Greetings from drizzly Cape Cod!
My long-time friend Anne Hills and I are meeting up in Chicago in early June and are on the lookout for a co-bill in southern Wisconsin or outside the greater Chicago area on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 (we have a date in La Grange that Friday night)
We welcome your ideas/suggestions as we beat the bushes for the perfect place. An evening with us will be back-and-forth, much dual accompaniment, and a wide variety of our songs (old and new).
Come meet the writer of "Follow That Road",
"Spring From Darkness Into Light"
"The Dalai Llama Comes to Nashville"
"Too Much to Ask"
who also covered
"May the Light of Love" &
on her 1988 (!) album Woman of a Calm Heart
Thanks for your thoughts, as ever!