It's a wrap! We sure enjoyed ourself at the Snow Library this afternoon with a full house, a full complement of performers, and a sweet kitty of $225 for the Rise and Shine Program of the Cultural Center of Cape Cod. We even had some opening remarks from Tracey Salley (President of the Friends of Snow Library) and Diane Giardi of the Cultural Center to tell us a bit about their work with Rise and Shine. This adds so much to our already meaningful gatherings! Our thanks to all at the library along with the courageous presenters:

Ken Bernard • Sue Carlson • Bob Higgins • David Sutherland • Roseanne Shapiro • Greg Johnson • Brian Morris & Janet Leahy • Rosemary Dunn Moeller • Vicki Goldsmith and Jim • Michael Lavender • Brenda Jane Meehan • Donna the Ventriliquist • Yours Truly

This was our first "matinee" on a weekend, and I'm keeping an open mind to the idea for future reference. I'm thinking we'll next congregate sometime in mid-July, schedule (mine!) permitting. I'll keep you posted.
• My touring schedule for your peeps around the country can be found at
Next week is Washington and Oregon, followed by Chicago and Milwaukee at the end of the month.

River Rafting and camping in Idaho? August 22-27 with me singing at the campfire each night * with special guests.

Blessings, one and all.
