Hi friends. Welcome to the “lyrics” link. Scroll to any of the titles below, click on one, and you’ll find the lyrics to the songs on that particular project. Hopefully you’ll also find my love of language throughout.
This will ease the environmental impact of newer CDs by eliminating plastic jewel cases and lyric booklets. When they figure out how to replace the disk itself (oh wait, downloads) . . .
As ever, thanks for your interest and support
Album Title
Rising in Love
Digging Through My Closet
Nights at the Chez
If You Can’t Fly
Another Side of David Roth
Digging Through My Closet
Nights at the Chez
If You Can’t Fly
Another Side of David Roth
Irreconcilable Similarities
Think Twice
Practice Makes Progress
Rhubarb Trees
So Far, So Good
Last Day On This Earth
Think Twice
Practice Makes Progress
Rhubarb Trees
So Far, So Good
Last Day On This Earth