Warmest greetings, friends to the south (of Cape Cod, that is)...just a heads up that I've got a couple of concert events in the Constitution State the next couple of Sundays, and both are wide open to...YOU (and friends, family of course)!
Here's a poster for the inaugural season of Music at the Ridge (that's an artist's rendition of the great Pete Seeger) and I'm in more esteemed company as the series winds down
Sunday, May 7th ~ 4 PM UU Congregation of Danbury
24 Clapboard Ridge Road $15 suggested, no. one turned away
57 Hunting Lodge Rd ~ Storrs, CT $20 advance/$25 at the door
It's GREAT to be meeting in person once more. New songs, old songs. New stories, old stories!
* More ongoing adventures/tour info (including my 6th annual August rafting trip down the Salmon River in Idaho...still a few spots left on this utterly amazing adventure, complete with nightly music at the campfires...)