Hi neighbors...one more reminder - and an announcement that Boston's (and "60 Minutes's") Jimmy Tingle will join us for the open mic evening on Wednesday, a brief taste of his one-man show at the WHAT Theater on Friday 2/14 (Valentine's Day - Tricia and I will be there - how about you?)
*This night I'm going to limit the # of signups to 20 and draw them out of a hat just before we start, so please get your name in "the hat" by 6:45.
Here's the scoop once more, and if you can send this around to your peeps, that will be great!
Wednesday, February 12th ~ Brewster Ladies Library on Route 6A
Again, our recipient this time will be the 501(c)3 Orleans Community Exchange Consignment and Thrift Store right there in the heart of Orleans. What caught my attention about this non-profit is that they put $$ towards scholarships for Nauset Regional High School students and Cape Cod Regional Technical School to assist them in furthering their education. Read more at https://www.facebook.com/orleanscommunityexchange